jQuery Create DOM nodes - Benchmarking

With jQuery classic functions

The benchmarked function :

                    .text("John Doe")
                    .attr("href", "#")
                    .text("company: World Company")
                            .text("phone: 123-555-12345")
                            .text("Location: NY")
                            .text("Notes: OK")
Show the result

Run time for 100 calls with jQuery functions :

With jQuery Create DOM nodes

The benchmarked function :

        ._span_().addClass("fullname").text("John Doe")
        ._span_({"class":"company"}).text("company: World Company")
        ._div_({"class":"join"}).text("phone: 123-555-12345")
        ._div_({"class":"location"}).text("Location: NY")
        ._div_({"class":"notes"}).text("Notes: OK")
Show the result

Run time for 100 calls with jQuery Create DOM nodes :

The ratio (Create DOM nodes plugin / jQuery classic functions) is :